Recognized by Elon Musk.

Political Issues, Views and News.
Simply don't read the political posts if you have buyers remorse.

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Recognized by Elon Musk.

Post by capt.dan » October 2nd, 2023, 9:12 am

I was flattered this morning to see that the Real Elon Musk has Fallowed me on X. Now, there isn't much of anything (new) in my life that gives me pride or pleasure any more. And as I shed more and more of My favorite hobbies because of my age and physical prowess and slowly shrink in "local" reputation for those things that set me aside as a role model in some of those hobbies. I consider that I've never really sought anything other than to be truthful, respected, and yes being successful because of those things, for sharing information that made things easier for those looking for and wanting good advice on those given subjects. I've gotten some nasty feedback on-line at times comparing then accusing me of fishing for Fallower numbers and likes. Truthfully, seeing those numbers climb is nice, but changes little in the way I see, perceive or share my perceived points of views with others. I am campaigning all right, but not for myself or what fallower numbers or likes are supposed to mean in this internet driven culture. But because I'm 71 years old, had a great childhood with great friends, was never rich but never poor. Worked for what I had and have now. Enjoyed life and want to share those things I've learned with others to keep this country, its standards, its Constitutional principles and the moralities I was taught by a loving WW11 veteran father, that keep it and its people FREE.
Not everyone will agree with, understand you, like you, appreciate your character, personality or politics. Not even a few benefiting from your knowledge and/or generosity. But stay true to your beliefs and convictions.

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